Address, My Street, Pariwisata Senaru, Bayan-Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83354
About Mount Rinjani Information

Mount Rinjani keeps a very beautiful panorama. The mountain, which is a favorite destination for climbers, is an active volcano. Located on the northern island of Lombok. With a height of 3,726 m asl, Mount Rinjani is the second-highest mountain in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci (3,805 m asl) in Jambi or the third highest peak after Puncak Jaya (4,884 m asl) in Papua. For the Sasak and Balinese tribes, Rinjani is a sacred mountain because it is believed to be the place of the gods so that apart from being a tourist and climbing destination, this place is also a place of pilgrimage. Mount Rinjani is part of the Mount Rinjani National Park which spans an area of 41,330 ha and is located in 3 districts, namely East Lombok, Central Lombok, and North Lombok, in West Nusa Tenggara. In the middle of Segara Anak lake, there is a small mountain called Mount Baru or Mount Barujari. The mountain which is often referred to as the child of Mount Rinjani has a crater measuring 170 m x 200 m with an altitude of 2,296–2376 m above sea level. Mount Barujari erupted on October 25, 2015, and November 3, 2015, after previously erupting in May 2009, 2004, 1994, 1966, 1944. Around Segara Anak lake, there are other interesting tourist objects, namely Susu Cave, Manik Cave, Payung Cave. Meanwhile, under the Segara Anak lake there is a hot spring (Aik Kalak Pengkereman Jembangan). Perhaps this is the highest hot spring in Indonesia. Climbing to the top of Mount Rinjani is a mainstay tourist attraction in Mount Rinjani National Park. Because the peak is the second highest peak in Indonesia, the success of climbing the peak of Mount Rinjani is a matter of pride for climbers. Ascent to Mount Rinjani can be done through two routes, namely the Senaru route with an altitude of 600 m above sea level and the Sembalun route with an altitude of 1150 m above sea level. The Sembalun route is preferred because its position is closer to the peak so that it can save energy.

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